Lunch Pail Agency
What’s Lunch Pail?
Everything you always wanted to know about the term, “lunch pail.” And a few things you didn’t.

Started by a Giant
Lunch pail was first introduced by Bill Parcells, the coach of the Super Bowl-winning 1986 New York Giants when describing his all-pro offensive linemen. Parcells said, “They’re my lunch pail guys. They just do their jobs without making a big fuss about it.” Thank you, Bill, for your contribution to the cause.
Hail to the Pail
Lunch Pail™ isn’t, and never will, be affiliated with any political party. That said, there were a couple of presidents who were as lunch pail as it gets.
Upon leaving the presidency in 1953, Democrat Harry S. Truman and his wife Bess packed up their Chrysler Windsor and drove themselves back to Ohio. No escort, no Secret Service — making him one of our favorite Lunch Pails in chief.
And then there’s Republican Teddy Roosevelt. He spared a defenseless bear and inspired the teddy bear. But don’t let that fool you —he was still known for speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Big sticks are totally Lunch Pail.

Yabba Dabba Lunch Pail
He slid down a dinosaur tail when the workday was done, and always ordered the brontosaurus ribs even though it never failed to tip over his car. If you don’t think Fred Flinstone is lunch pail, you must have rocks in your head.

What is this popular 1960 lunch pail favorite?
Hint: Mystery Meat
Three of these well-known movies or TV shows featured a lunch pail in these scenes, three didn’t. Can you guess which lunch pails were never in the picture? Look carefully.
What’s Wrong with this Picture?

Ask Our Lunch Pail Expert:
Q: What is the difference between a lunch box and a lunch pail?
A: The general rule of thumb is, if you bring home a report card, you have a lunch box. If you bring home a W2, you have a lunch pail.
Q: I made a silly mistake and put sashimi in my lunch pail. How do I get the smell out?
A: Empty three family pack-sized Funyuns, and two 16oz bags of Fritos into the lunch pail. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds, then pressure wash with RC Cola for four minutes.
Q: I want to be a lunch pail kind of person. So I bought one this morning. I love meats and cheeses. So I’m going to fill it with the most delicious charcuterie platter. Do I qualify?
A: We’ll get back to you.
What’s in Their Lunch Pail?
Pick the thing you would find in each of these people’s lunch pails.
James Bond
A thermos with grape soda
A thermos with chicken soup
A thermos with a martini inside
(shaken, not stirred)
Norman Bates
Fluffernutter sandwich
Loving note from his mother
(which he wrote himself)
Corned beef on rye
Homer Simpson
Sushi and tea
Soup and salad
Donuts and beer

100 people surveyed
Here are the five most popular items found in a lunch pail:
Ham and American cheese sandwich
2. Chocolate chip cookie
3. Thermos filled with chicken soup
4. Potato chips (not baked)
5. Personal note from a loved one. Double points for heart drawing
Multiple Choice
Which one of the following has never been a nickname for a football stadium?
A: The Big House
B: The Big Sombrero
C: The Big Lunch Pail
Which one of the following is not the name of a punk rock band?
A: Del Boca Vista
B: Paul’s Bunyan
C: The Lunch Pail Kids
Which of the following is an accurate description of a pail-atarian?
A: A rogue, germ-filled species of half-human, half-metal aliens who appeared in season two of Star Trek episode, “Scotty Gets a Rash.”
B: A pescatarian who will eat BLTs every 10th lunch
C. None of the above

Crew Pick:
Lunch Pailer Hannah Bove weighs in on her sports MVP (Most Valuable Pailer) “I love Mo’na Davis. She pitched a shutout in the little league world series, reaching a throwing speed of 73 miles per hour. At 12, she was practicing her pitching mechanics 4 hours a day, and was responsible for turning the phrase “throw like a girl” into a statement of power.